The New Normal

Day 3 of week 1:  On-line, virtual learning.

How do I manage volunteer work, family life, department responsibilities, and four activity classes with a total of about 165 students in an online environment successfully?  The jury is still deliberating as I contemplate the best route to take to manage our community’s emotional, mental, physical and social well-being.   That is the question I have been trying to answer and today I shared a response in the only way those over 50 know how how… Facebook.  Yes, I admit it.  I can be old school even as I am eager to learn the new technology.  There is comfort in leaning on what is familiar. And so, my Carondelet family, I decided to share my thoughts here too.


I know we have had a ton of sad news lately. We are experiencing our new “normal”. All of us are having to rethink how we do things on a daily basis. Who would have thought?

Tonight… I am grateful.

I started the day with an online prayer service. I connected with students on a new-for-me platform… Zoom. I left an annual oncology appt with good news and hope. I survived.

I am practicing being imperfect, uncomfortable and present.
And. For. Today. That. Is. Enough.

May you find joy in the days ahead and remember… this too shall pass and WE will be stronger for it.

Love to you all. ❤️”

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