Want to join me Monday at lunch to debrief the Game of Thrones finale?? Please???

Is anybody down for a Game of Thrones Season 8 debrief at lunch on Monday??

I love Games of Thrones and have been invested in this show longer than I have been teaching. I have shamelessly bummed HBO Go passwords from people when I had no money and signed up all of my various email accounts for free HBO trials. Now that I am a sophisticated adult I get to enjoy the show legally from my own living room and am SO sad that this show is ending.

This show has even more relevance to me now teaching history, because while the show is purely fictional, it deals with
the complicated nature of human relationships, explores power and prejudice,
and creates empathy even for the most unlikable characters. Especially teaching young women it reminds me of the ways that women can be strong and major players in history.

I know that many of you also watch it and I am sure can make countless connections to your own teaching practice/content area, current events, and maybe even your own life.
Anyone want to get together Monday at lunch to talk and mourn the loss of a favorite show??
Image result for jon snow
Here is a picture of Jon Snow. You’re welcome. 

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