Film Clips on Schoology

When I was a student, I saw a lot of great films, once.  My professors exposed me to marvelous images and sequences but I really needed to pay attention.  Each viewing was unique and not to be repeated.  Like my current seventh period film student, I fell asleep in class often.  Sometimes I could find the same film at a video rental but I rarely tried. 

Daily, I show the students many clips and stills from all type of movies.  I want to flood their mental image banks with possibilities.  I also want them to have access to everything I show in class.  Some of it may be on youtube but they will rarely try to find it there. 

Using an open-source program, VLC player, I am capturing stills and sequences from dvds (for my educational purposes).  It is a simple task and it takes a few minutes but it is much faster than trying to cue up that scene from a dvd player during class! Whatever I show them in class, I also put on a Schoology for the students’ reference.  At then end of the years, I will save my clip library as a resource and expand it with new clips next year.

You can talk to our IT department about downloading it on your device.  I have learned that it works much easier on a PC than the MacBooks. I am mostly using a faculty room pc for this operation.

If you merely want to use it once in a while or for a single project, I will help you do it!

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