A Lesson in Design Thinking

The new class “Frosh Creation: Think, Make, Share” more commonly known as “TMS” is off and running! This is the class all of our freshmen are taking that attempts to bridge the worlds of art, music, and computer science together. This year Christina Ditzel, Andrew Kjera, Joan Tracy, and Amy Way are team teaching the course. 

Today’s class was a lesson from Joan in Design Thinking. In the lesson students were tasked to physically build a prototype for a client, based on a specific need. Here’s how it worked: students were given a picture of their client and were asked to make observations about who their client is, and what their life might be like. Then they were given an item to design for this client. For some it was sportswear, for others it was a place to sleep. They had the remainder of class to physically design and build their prototype from the materials we had on hand. Our students found this exercise frustrating, fun, stressful (in a good way), and creative. In other words, everything we were hoping this lesson would be!

Students work to build their prototype

The lesson’s success got me thinking. While this was a great hands on lesson for those who want to get their hands dirty and use real materials, is there a way that I can design a lesson to solve a sonic problem? I’m brainstorming ideas now, but if you have any thoughts I’d love to ‘hear’ them (no pun intented.) 

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