The accidental blog post

3,715,200+ seconds, 61,920+ minutes, 1,032 hours, 43 days, 6 weeks and 1 day, or 11.78% of 2018.  This is the amount of time that has passed since I last blogged.  Blogging has not slipped my mind; rather, a lot of my time is spent thinking about that I should be blogging.  The problem is though, that I have trouble getting started.  Where do I start?  What if I sound stupid?  What will people think of me? What do I even have to say?! 

When I finally click the “new post” button*, my mind goes blank.  I see my mind as a great big room with thoughts floating around and whenever I try to put those thoughts to paper, the words all vanish and I’m left in this cool (as in cold) steel grey/blue room.

Now, without the pressure of having to actually create any worthwhile posts, I figured I could share the beginnings of the ideas that I do have:

  • starting when you’re stuck
  • feedforward is the new feedback
  • using canva, adobe spark, or wix to ignite creativity
  • value of notebooks/composition books in a digital class

Ok… time is up,  I have to go teach.  I realize I didn’t even get to what I wanted this blog to be about.  I started this post wanting to relate back to my students and how I (try to) help them when they are stuck. 

*I skipped over the part of logging into blogger because the blogger tab has been open and staring at me every day.  Guilt!

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