Recently I attended the DVC English Articulation Conference with Michael Schooler and Tiz Woo. The first session I attended was very beneficial and thought-provoking and is something I will build into the Writing Seminar and AP Lit curriculum I teach next year.
Essentially, students are asked to unpack difficult quotes they encounter. Students perform a close reading and attempt to determine author’s tone and purpose. Then, students are able to begin to delve deeper into themes and messages about the human condition and society.
Finally, students begin the Architect Project in which they are asked to imitate the author’s style and voice in writing. As in all text forms (written word, music, television, film, etc.) the written and spoken work is a reflection/response to a previous text and taking a previous text/idea and expanding upon it
In asking students to imitate writers, the thought is they will continue to develop their style and voice as writers. I look forward to having AP Lit students work with difficult texts (ex. Heart of Darkness) as well as Writing Seminar students (ex. Glass Castle) work on imitating the voice and style of works of literature.