Surgeries in Spanish

In Spanish 2 one of the chapters focuses on health and hospital and body part vocabulary. We had practiced a lot of the vocabulary and my students became quite familiar with the material. I played clips from Grey’s Anatomy (everybody’s favorite show) and muted the dialog, and students were to narrate in Spanish what was happening using their own vocabulary. The students seemed to enjoy this activity (did I mention that they love Grey’s Anatomy?) I decided I wanted to make the vocabulary even more useful and interesting and perhaps appealing to students who were interested in STEM…

I investigated “surgery games in Spanish” and I was so excited with what I discovered!

Students read about a case in Spanish, whether it pertains to epilepsy, cataracts, brain surgery, or rhinoplasty (there are more scenarios). They they follow instructions in Spanish to complete a surgery. Not only did they recognize a lot of the vocabulary from the chapter, but they also were being exposed to commands and new vocabulary pertaining to surgical tools.

My students ask me every day if we can do “cirugías” in class. We’re not even on the medical chapter anymore…we’re focusing on technology vocabulary, so now I have to research more fun activities pertaining to BLOG vocabulary 😉

Here’s a link, if anyone wants to try out their Spanish knowledge and surgery skills (the site could be better, sometimes it doesn’t work and can be glitchy, so patience is required):

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