Publishing on Kindle (Using Whispercast)

This summer we had great success sending out Kindle books to all the English teachers and Frosh English classes using Whispercast.

I decided to try to take the 2 readers we publish in house and convert them to a format that would allow readers to annotate them in Kindle.

After several failures in getting my Word document to insert Chapter Titles/Auto Table of Contents using styles. I found a guid on the Kindle Self-Publish page that actually made sense and worked!

I was excited to send out the Frosh Reader to Kate and Tiz and all their students. They can open it in their Kindle App (it actually is already there–sent by Whispercast) and highlight, bookmark, and take notes, just like any other Kindle book.

However, it wasn’t a complete success as while the Table of Contents is hyperlinked throughout the book so a reader can navigate to a chapter from the Table of Contents, it does not appear in the Kindle menu bar.

I will keep working on this–by next year–I might have figured it out.

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