Tech Standards? Really?

When we throw around the term 21st Century Learner, we tend to immediately connect that to technology.   Despite my proclivity for tech, I have to say that is so reductionist that I almost dislike using the term and wish something else would come in its place.  For me tech is the tool that allows us to approach teaching and learning differently, shifting the balance of power from teacher to student.

I attended the ISTE conference this summer and was pleasantly surprised when they revealed their new standards for students and teachers (admin standards coming soon)…

I want to share a couple of the resources here (the whole batch is on the Schoology Intranet) as I think they are extremely useful for teachers struggling with what it means to best use tech in their classroom… hint, it is a mindset not a formula…

First:  The Rap, What is a 21st Century Learner

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