Peer Reviews of Yeast Catalase Experiments in AP Biology

In Dr. T’s AP Biology class, students examined a variety of conditions that affect the activity of the yeast Catalase (Peroxidase).  The enzyme catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen gas.  Each team selected their own controlled conditions to conduct the study and used oxygen production as a measure of enzymatic activity.  Team data was presented in a poster session format similar to scientific conferences and each student was expected to provide insight on experimental design, data analysis and possible sources of experimental error.

AP Biology students are required to design experiments, make claims about expected results, present supportive evidence using data collected and analyzed, and provide reasoning for their observations based on scientific knowledge.  By participating in peer review and critique of laboratory data and experimental design, students hone critical thinking skills in preparation, not just for a fully revamped AP Biology Test, but for all aspects of their education.

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