Communication and Tests

I remember what it was like to be a highschool student, overwhelmed with the social pressures and the academic rigor of a Catholic Prep school. As a student, project due dates and test dates were just a part of life. I never would have complained or protested. But I also never remember my teachers asking if we had other tests or projects due in other classes that matched with their class. Now that I am a teacher, I always laugh when I overhear students talking about teachers “planning” their due dates to match up as if we have the time, energy, or desire to “plot against” them.

Today, I reminded my junior students that our Unit Test was Friday and was immediately met with mouths agape and groans. I asked students to raise their hands if they have other tests that day, and of course most of my students had hands up. What followed was not a discussion full of complaints, whining, or negativity towards teachers. Instead, I asked questions. I asked what subjects. I asked if they preferred Friday or would like the test moved to Monday. I let them vote by hand raising; to no avail as most students didn’t want to be held responsible for a hand for an unpopular choice or me shooting them down.

The vote wasn’t conclusive. I decided to give them a detailed timeline of what our classes will look like this week and what the structure of the test would be, assuring them that there would be test review. And guess what? They are taking their test on Friday.

I gave them options. I gave them reassurance and support. They chose their own adventure, which coincidentally turned out to be the original plan. But they feel better about it, and I am going to cross my fingers that their test grades reflect that!

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