A Week of Inspirational Math

After almost six weeks of slogging through the first two
chapters of the textbook, I decided to take a break with my Algebra 1 with Math
Lab class and do a Week of Inspirational Math. 
I wanted to apply and share with my students some of what the Math Department
is learning in Jo Boaler’s How to Learn Math for Teachers class.  The resources are on her website www.youcubed.org.  Each day we watched a short video and followed
it up with a discussion.  Then we did a
hands-on activity to illustrate the video’s message.  The topics included:

  • how our brains grow and change
  • how we see numbers and patterns differently
  • how our brains grow when we make mistakes
  • the importance of having confidence in your ability
  • the importance of visualizing math
  • that speed is not important, but deep thinking is

For me, this was an important activity to do with this
particular class.  These are our students
who struggle with math.  It has never
come easy to them and often they don’t feel very smart.  At the end of the week, I asked for their
input.  I found their comments very

Through the week of
inspirational math I learned a lot about myself and that my brain is ever
growing and changing and I can always improve my brain, and it is important and
ok to make mistakes because it helps my brain to grow and change.
It made sense that
they said that making mistakes is a learning opportunity because it gives our
brain a chance to grow. I learned that I should always take my time and get the
better grade, instead of rushing & making careless mistakes and getting
points taken off. I feel now that when I make a mistake, it grows my brain
more, which makes me more happy.
I feel like now that
I’ve watched those videos that I can have a better attitude towards math and
try my best at doing it as well.
I learned that I like
to visualize or draw things, more than just doing all of the math in my head.
It helps me understand what’s happening.
I guess I didn’t know what to expect heading into the
week.  But now seeing the impact it has
made on several of the students, there will definitely be more Weeks of
Inspirational Math in our future!

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