Keeping Myself Accountable in a Simple Visual Way

Today I was working on a project Gaeby is developing, on themes and movements in the Industrial Revolution and  if and how they are still true/active today. I am encountering numbers and statistics as I look into this.  I enjoy making data visible,  and  I wondered if VennGage, a tool I have used a little before, would work as a infographic tool for her students. It has lovely interactive capabilities and amazing charting and graphics.

I like to give tools a real life test, and thought of my project spreadsheet.  I keep track of projects I do with teachers (that do not have to do directly with Schoology) here  I do this to help me find, remember and reflect on what worked and what didn’t. I decided to add a query on the project sheet on if these projects contained students opportunities at the 4 Cs  (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity) and a goal of mine- quick and actionable feedback.

Here is the result.  I am glad I am doing this-I see I need to consider collaboration more.  The feedback  visual probably looks more impressive than it should, because I gave Membean a check for quick feedback and I am not sure that is true.   I need to discuss with the English department if this is their perception. I am disappointed in the creativity, and  actually in the number of projects.  I need to reach out more.  I  As I consider this, maybe I will make one by department too, to see what that visual might reveal.  A fun thing about this post is the graphic is embedded, so when I change graphic, this post will change, too.  I love that sort of thing. 

PS. Still not certain this is right tool for Gaeby’s project. But it may be for yours!

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