What Yoga Feels Like…

 “Yoga makes me feel centered and calm even in my most stressful moments. It allows me to forget about all of the stress in my life for a few minutes and relax.” ~Giuliana

 “I love yoga because it allows me to relax and center myself during a long day.” ~Sophia

 “Yoga class is my favorite part of the day. Nothing feels better than meditating during the stress of school and extracurricular activities.” ~Madeline

“I love yoga! It allows me time to fully relax and embrace my inner self. I enjoy getting to try new poses and improve myself in a myriad of ways. It is a great way to connect with my sisters and put my mind in a peaceful state.” ~Eva 

“I chose Lotus Pose (Padmasana) because I find it relaxing and good for your posture.” ~Bella

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