Through the looking glass

As we approach the end of 3rd quarter, I have been thinking a lot about how different this year of teaching has been from the five years I taught English.  Although this has been a very tough year with most nights and weekends spent learning computer science, I do feel that this has been one of my best teaching years.  That brings me to the question, why? Is it because I’m older? Is it the subject matter?  Is it because my students are AP?  I don’t have an answer and this blog post will likely just generate more questions than answers.

I like charts and tables, so let’s see some comparisons.

Whatever the reason, I am very happy teaching this new computer science course.  My students have been great and are a highlight of my day.  I learn something new each day and am not afraid to tell my students if I don’t have an answer.  In these cases, I either show them my thought process to find an answer or we work together and they find the answer/solution.  I think it’s funny that they always thank me … even if all I did was stand there.  I point this out to them and remind them that THEY did the work and found the answer.  They should be proud of themselves and giving themselves credit.

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