Tycoons or Robber Barons assignment

One way that I worked to learn something new and creatively improve a lesson about the Captains of Industry was to do a peer observation of a fellow faculty member who was doing a lesson about the topic. I observed Mitch Ward’s United States history class and saw how he introduced the unit and watched the class do their research and work on their projects. Several days later I returned and watched the student presentations that briefly gave an introduction to the person, presented the pro’s and con’s about the person and a team conclusion that include an evaluation of the person-were they a captain of industry or a robber baron and why. After the presentation, Mr. Ward and the class asked questions that added depth and thoughtful reflection by the presenting team, I talked to Mr. Ward and we discussed ways that I might adapt this unit for my classes. I went back to my classroom and adapted the lesson and modified my unit on this topic then used it in my United States History classes. The modified unit worked well.

Tycoons or Robber Barons Presentations

The late 1800’s was a time of anything goes industrialization. A few entrepreneurs went to great lengths to create huge business empires. They destroyed the competition, they manipulated the markets, and they were ruthless to their workers. In this assignment each team will create a script in which you briefly introduce your Tycoon or Robber Barron then half the team will defend the actions of their businessman and the other half will condemn the actions of their businessman. Create your points and counterpoints. Script your dialogue so the argument flows from one idea to another.
For research you may use your textbook, C.H.S. library resources, internet resources, and videos. The History Channel series “The Men Who Built America” tells about all of these men. The men are:
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt              1794–1877
  • Andrew Carnegie                  1835–1919
  • J.P. Morgan                          1837–1913
  • John D. Rockefeller               1839–1937
  • Henry Ford                           1863-1947
The Men Who Built America
Episode 1 – Cornelius Vanderbilt 
Episode 2 – John D. Rockefeller
Episode 3 – Andrew Carnegie
Episode 5 – J. P. Morgan
Episode 8 – Henry Ford
At the end of your presentation your team will decide if your business person had a positive impact on history or not and if the ends he used to achieve his goals justified the means that he took to get there. You will need to support your opinion with evidence.
 Remember to use the links below: The Men who Built America and the C.H.S. Library Resources to conduct your research first.
                      At home you can access the C.H.S. Library Resources with:
                      username: Carondelet
                      password:  Cougars
  Teams should be ready to present their Tycoon/Robber Baron on Tuesday.

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