AP Statistics Research Day is Thursday, April 19th: Come Join Us!

AP Statistics Research Day is right around the corner.  We are excited to share our research with you and we thank those of you planning to come to the Inner Court during Period 2 or during an x-block on this Thursday, April 19th.  To help you understand the amount of work these students have done, here’s how we completed this task:

August:  Right after learning about different types of variables
(quantitative vs. categorical), we made a very brief survey that we
posted on Schoology so that we could have some data to play with.
September:  Students got comfortable with Minitab software by creating
an analysis report of our brief survey. They learned how to create all of the
graphs and numerical summaries we had learned about in the first few chapters
of our book.
October:  After learning about study design, students submitted a proposal and
initial survey for their own research project.
November:  Students revised survey based on my feedback and consulted with an
“expert”. The expert was a teacher or family member who knew more about their
topic than I did. The expert reviewed their survey and gave feedback. Perhaps
some of you served as experts!
January:  Students selected their sample using the methods learned about
in this course. Most students conducted simple random samples or stratified
random samples. A small number of students conducted convenience samples
due to the nature of their research question.
February:  Students sent out surveys and monitored responses.  Some needed to
sample again due to low response.
March:  Students built a formal analysis report of their findings in four installments,
coinciding with the inferential statistics we were learning as part of our curriculum.
April: Students designed their posters.

I share these details because I hope that someday this symposium grows beyond AP Statistics:  Imagine “Carondelet Research Day” in which students from classes in many different disciplines showcase year-long research.  So, please do come join us on Thursday and when you do, think about how you might be able to join us next year, as a contributor and let’s continue to give our students opportunity to put what they are learning into action!  

Here is the list of topics and presenters:

2018 AP Statistics Research Day Presentations

April 19th, 2018

Inner Court

Carondelet High School

How Closely do Books Relate to Intelligence?  Will Buckley

How Many Students Take Classes Outside of the Normal Classroom?  Alyssa Dunn

Procrastination Station:  What causes most students to procrastinate on their work?  Caroline Edwards

Advantages of Playing Sports Leah Engle

Technology vs. Students  Jayla Fernandez

Is there a relationship between the number of colleges a student applies to and his or her GPA?
Makena Garrehy

Who Gets Injured the Most?  Briana Granados

How Do High School Students Form Their Political Views?  Courtney Lally

The Relationship between Sleep and Academic Performance  Ryan Leopold

What Factors Impact my Sleeping Habits?  Bryson Patterson

AP Classes and Their Effect on College and Future Jobs  Sarah Peterson

Exercise Habits of High School Students:  What are the workout and exercise habits of high school athletes and non-athletes?  Justin Pratt

How Much is Stress Really Affecting Teens?  Sarah Shaughnessy

Visual and Performing Arts in College:  Does being in a higher number of clubs or classes determine if you are going to continue with your VPA in college?  Cecily Sotomayor

What’s On Your Plate?  An observational study of the correlation between Carondelet Students and the Garaventa Cuisine  Sophia Veran Sanchez

Caffeine Consumption in Corporate Offices and High School Campuses  Adam Wong

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