Elizabeth recommending a Ted Talk? I can see you smirking through my screen 😉
But I love them so and so want to share !!! (oh, FYI I did watch the Susan Cain “Quiet” Ted Talk brought up during the interactive session at back to school planning days)…
Ok so today, I wanted to share a really short and simple Ted Talk. 7 minutes long (4.25 if you use my play it faster life hack), this 2013 talk was cried it in not one but TWO sessions when I went to ISTE. I had never heard it — yes I know…
The premise is so very simple and her advice resonates deeply as I spend my evenings at Carondelet making schedule changes and answering parent emails about schedule changes and must-haves.
I think her message will speak to all of us at Carondelet… her message is one of the reasons we have all joined to be with kindred spirits on this crazy innovation journey… but we have all encountered the type of teacher she describes at some point in our career.
The fact is, teaching is not about being best friends with your students, but it is about making human connections. She explores this concept in a very passionate way. It is a nice reminder of our shared humanity and, I believe, a great Ted twist on our yearly theme of unifying love!
Hope you enjoy it… hope it reinforces your love for that kid who has mastered the snotty eye roll 😉