Ven A Ver Washington DC 2018

What an inspiring weekend! I had the honor of accompanying 10 amazing students to the Ignatian Family Teach In for Justice November 2-5. We had an action-packed weekend that began with a full day at the National Mall. We were moved to tears at the National Holocaust Remembrance Museum and then spent the day visiting memorials. Only a week before Veterans Day, visiting the memorials had an extra richness of seeing groups of veterans from around the country. Our students were so thoughtful as they engaged many of the veterans and thanked them for serving our country. That day of site-seeing was a perfect precursor to the inspiration that was to come the rest of the weekend. We started the Teach-In on Saturday night with the anticipation of Sasha William’s speech. Among other inspiring speakers, Sasha was a highlight, earning a standing ovation from over 2000 college and high school students. Another favorite speaker of mine was Fr. James Martin, S.J., who spoke about inclusivity and justice for all members of the community. We all continued to attend break out sessions about advocacy for immigrants and prisoners. Our weekend ended with intense preparations on Sunday night as the students wrote, practiced, and re-wrote their presentations for our local congressional and senatorial staff. Monday morning’s rain didn’t hold the girls back. We made our way to Capital Hill and were invited to special meeting rooms in the Capital and then the office of our Congressman, Mark DeSaulnier. Not only did the students get a chance to express their concerns about immigration and prison reform, but they had very personal discussions with the staff that were there to meet us. The trip was not only an inspiration to see several thousand impassioned Catholic youth, but a wonderful opportunity to bond with 10 brilliant girls and two colleagues. 

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