Winton and Treat Podcast Episode 1

I’m really proud of the first semester of my Podcasting and Storytelling class. Overall, it was a great experience, and I learned quite a bit. One of the great things about semester classes is that you don’t have to wait a year to make revisions and improvements. I’m still in the process of putting together an iTunes channel, and more ambitiously, a website to share the work that my students produce. The tentative name of this podcast is Winton and Treat since both Carondelet and De la Salle students take the class.

I’ll be dropping a new episode to the blog every week or two for now, and I would appreciate any feedback you can give. I am by no means an expert in podcasting and am trying to learn as much as possible. Here’s the link to “Behind the Screen” produced by Hayley Hoover, Ella Collier, Angie Anderson and Cielo Gamboa:

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