East Bay Cue. February 23, 2019

This tech workshop was really worth the investment of time!
Anne-Marie Cabral, Joan Tracy and I spent our
Saturday with other tech lovers at Valley View
Middle School. During the breaks we got to hear
about the Pear Deck and Google Slides sessions
that Anne-Marie attended, and they sounded
really great, but I’m writing this to tell you about
the fun Joan and I had playing with Raspberry Pi.
This is a credit-card sized, open source computer
that is the perfect platform to get our girls excited
about coding and physical computing. With only a screen, keyboard,
mouse and our Raspberry Pi, Joan and I had LED lights blinking and making patterns within just an
hour. You can start off with the coding language Scratch and can quickly start working in Python.
Our brains were spinning as we made plans to integrate these cute little devices into the TMS
and physics classes. Our workshop leader inspired us with projects her second graders are doing,
so we are ready to share the challenge with our 9th grade girls. As a bonus-we were able to take our
Raspberry Pi’s home, so we have jump start on planning.
The next symposium will be held in September–it’s free and a great PD opportunity!