Inspiring Woman–Barbie?

As a child, my mom never bought me a Barbie Doll (or a Cabbage Patch Doll) however, I was gifted with several as birthday presents from other family members or friends.

It was what started me on my path to creating and sewing clothes. My mom wouldn’t buy me the store bought clothes for my dolls–it was too expensive and we didn’t have the money–so I started to make the clothes that I saw for Barbie in the stores or at my friend’s house. Later, as neighbors and cousins out grew their Barbies, my collection of dolls and clothes grew.

Which is why I was excited by a 2016 cover article from TIME Magazine about Mattel’s new looks for Barbie, (Mattel updated the Barbie line by introducing a new variety of body types, skin colors and hair. Basically they tried to follow what American Girl had been successfully doing–selling to the individual.) I decided that this needed to be part of the discussion in my Costume & Fashion Class.

So at the end of Unit 1 I have my students read the TIME article and respond to questions (to me and to each other) on Schoology and then then ask my students to create their own Barbie doll.

You will create a your own personal Barbie. (Think “Build a Bear”–only its a Barbie) This will be an original design but can be influenced by contemporary or historical images.  
The design must include:

    • Name–give her a name
    • full-figure sketches of your doll.
    • Images of clothing–2 complete outfits
    • Accessories or other items she needs (for a job, sport, activity).
This year, I have updated my assignment to go along with what most of the girls are doing in English 2 (I teach mostly sophs with a few seniors). Currently the English 2 students are researching and writing about issues important to women. (ie: “pink tax” or female inmates) So while I still have my students the read and respond to the TIME magazine article, I wanted it more updated for today. Then I found out that for Barbie’s 60th Anniversary Mattel has introduced the Barbie Inspiring Women line (currently available & story behind their idea). So this year my students will design for this line.
You will create/design a Barbie for Mattel that would fit into their Inspiring Woman line. (Visit Mattel’s website to see & read more about it)
The design must include
    • Name–Who is she? (Should be based on a real person)
    • Story–Why should she be included in the “Inspiring Women” collection? (4-6 sentences)
    • Full-figure sketches* of your doll:
    • She needs 2 outfits with at least 1 accessory for each outfit. 
    • Include 2-3 reference images of your real-life inspiring woman.
*You can hand draw/color images and then take a photo to include on the page with your other images. I will not be judging the quality of your drawing, but looking at the ideas you are expressing and how you are representing the woman you have chosen.
After everyone has presented their ideas to the class we will vote and decide if we want to let Mattel know who we think should be included in their Inspiring Woman line.
So far, the students are really excited about designing their Barbies–maybe a little too excited, since they want to jump right to designing and drawing and not read the article, but we will get there. 
(Stay tuned–I will post images once all the students have submitted their designs.)

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