I love my Fitbit

Ok, so I’m a bit late to the Fitbit craze…but this summer my sister was raving about how much she loved hers and since numbers motivate me, I thought I’d give it a try.

In a recent goals meeting with Elizabeth, she shared with me that most of the stuff we are currently interested in is heavily influenced by what we desire to work on, and that many things relate and can be sort of thematically linked. This got me thinking…

Since using the Fitbit I’ve noticed:

  • I feel better and I have more energy.
  • I think more creatively when I’m out walking and often get some of my best ideas. (Here’s a link to a previous blog where I talk more about this…)
  • I have more face-to-face interactions with colleagues. These are about school stuff and/or about life and friendship.
  • I love data! I’m on my Fitbit app more than any other! (Who knew sleep cycles could be so fascinating?!)

I write this blog entry because (1) *selfishly* I want to put this print and hold myself accountable for continuing this type of exercise because I believe it is good for me, and (2) this little device is bringing together some pretty awesome school goals: collaboration, data, creative thought, and relationship/team building!

So, if you see me doing a quick lap around the school…now you know!

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