When teaching modern language, one must address the various different modalities: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. One must also not forget to focus on grammar, culture, art and literature analysis, current events, AP themes pertaining to the environment, technology, ethics, personal relationships, aesthetics…only to name a few. There is a lot of material to cover, all in a different language. A modern language teacher also teaches these, and other subjects using varying techniques and must also consider the students who are only taking a language to “fulfill the UC requirement” or because “my mom made me”, and much to the teacher’s dismay, really don’t love the language.
One way that I have have to tried to make Spanish more relevant is by using podcasts to engage student learning and to teach current events, culture, grammar, and listening comprehension. I recently introduced “News in Slow Spanish” to my classes. It’s complex enough, to address current events and keep students engaged, but it’s slow enough that with some scaffolding, the information is attainable to students and it’s just enough of a challenge to keep them focused, but not frustrated or discouraged. Once students are frustrated or discouraged, many become disengaged, and give up. This is a way to keep the material relevant, useful, and engaging for students. Check it out, link’s at the bottom!
I love this… we used something similar in elementary in the immersion school I worked for… that was a short video that gave world news and one of the features is the news story started with a map and the country would be highlighted and change colors…. the content was interesting to them as they were learning about real world things… but the bonus is that the classes in which that system was used, those kids kicked butt on all vocabulary games that got played at school 🙂