
How are you doing today?  Is it better for you to talk about it or not?  I find these simple questions incredibly helpful when interacting with students and colleagues.  In a fast paced world it can be so refreshing to find someone who is willing to slowdown and actively listen. 

I have found through these conversations that it is hard to succeed at school or work when you are overwhelmed at home or in day to day life.  The unknown can be very scary.    
This school year I have been honored to be in three different departments, so my perspectives of the school has been enriched and enlightened in diverse ways.  I have actively chosen to put myself in the way of beauty and go through the world looking for goodness.  I find 3 things every day to be present and grateful for even when I am overwhelmed, and this has made all the difference.               
Today at this present moment I am grateful for:1) Early morning interactions with my daughter
    2) Walking a lap around campus during break  
    3) Making time for introspection    
What are you grateful for?

0 thoughts on “Introspection

  1. Jasmine, this is beautiful… Every morning I set my alarm an hour earlier than needed to go to the gym… it is the time I "run it out" and process the day, the week, life…
    I am such a psycho that I need to speed things up on a machine to be able to slow them down…
    But honestly the act of just breathing in and being grateful is a fabulous exercise…

  2. I am grateful for this job. I get energized every day while thinking about and studying how I can improve my lessons. The students are so engaged in the curriculum. It is so interesting to hear their ideas and questions.

    Even when I go home dead tired, I look forward to the next day at school. After only two day of jury duty this week, I am so happy to be back and to see the students again.

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