Creative Processes

The Frosh Creation course has a complex layering of goals. One that the TMS team has struggled with it to teach teaming.

At a recent TMS team meeting, we were discussing this struggle and I realized how each of us occupy distinctive roles in that team. I began to notice how differently we were each looking at the problem. During the conversation, I started to wonder (One aspect of my specific role is to drift off into possibilities mid-discussion. They all know that and accept me.) could Amy, Joan, Victoria and I be archetypes for a teaming model. I began to come up with descriptions for each of us. Another realization come at that time. We somewhat align with a sequence I use in class, The Evolution of Tasks. This sequence (conceptualize-actualize-realize-display) is a guideline for a creative process.

I merged my realizations together and developed these job descriptions. I will be proposing to my team that we create teams of four students and run four team challenges in the first semester.  The members rotate role in each project.  Each challenge will include a self-reflection survey to help clarify the various experiences.  

My hope that this job training helps students discover strengths and contributions, confirms their individuality and produces synergistic results for the challenges.   

  1. Administrator
         Primary function:                  To CONCEPTUALIZE

  • Studies the problem
  • Re-explains to crew
  • Helps assign tasks
  • Guides brainstorming
  • Confirms uploads
  • Supports other crew

  1. Facilitator
         Primary function:           
         To ACTUALIZE

  • Fine tunes the plan (balancing the dream and the possible)
  • Gathers supplies/leads clean-up
  • Establishes timetable/manages work -flow
  • Quality Control
  • Supports other crew

  1. Producer
         Primary function: 
         To REALIZE

  • Develops the how behind the what
  • Creates practical instructions
  • Lead maker
  • Supports other crew

  1. Documentarian
         Primary function:                      To DISPLAY

  • Photographer
  • Editor
  • Ensures upload/submission of docs
  • Reporter of tasks
  • Supports other crew

0 thoughts on “Creative Processes

  1. It's amazing how team teaching this course has really taught US so much about teaming…

    I'm also very aware as to how valuable the process of revision really is!

  2. Team teaching is so interesting. I think in order for it to be successful you really have to be vulnerable and admit where you need help or have questions. I've found that the teachers in the math program all have unique qualities that they bring to the program and our students. We have learned so much about teaming through working together as well.

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