I love experiencing magic, as I imagine most everyone does. Today I experienced the magic that sometimes happens when reading. A character entered my life. I know him now. Isn’t that amazing? If this isn’t magic I don’t know what is.
The book I am reading is The Lost Children Archive by Valerie Luiselli This book was on a lot of Best Books of 2019, and I thought I would enjoy it. The book is complex and the story is tough and those lists were right – it is very good.
What I want to describe is what happened to me today about 1/2 the way through. I realized I know the boy (the boy’s name hasn’t been revealed yet). I feel for him; I am worried about this decision he just made, but not surprised; I think he is smart and nice. I like him a lot and know I will think about him in the future. He is real. The author chose words and wrote sentences that led me here. She structured the story, the chapters, the characters so I could come to know the boy. She researched history, geography, music, literature and graced that knowledge to me. I am so grateful to her.
This book is amazingly well written and has lots to explore. The author’s use of the family as unnamed characters, a description of sounds that help define moods, lists that are essential reading, repeated stories of Geronimo, a journey without an intended ending, a family in an unsettling time, a hard look at immigration; these all intrigue me. But what has delighted me is the reality of the boy for me. This is why I read. This is what I hope for all readers.
This is a really sweet post Joan! I will check the book out.
I just finished the memoir (it was an audio book narrated by the author, which always makes a book better to me) "In the Dream House" by Carmen Maria Machado. I felt so caught up her story and voice that riding my bike to work today without it gave me a moment of sadness. Your connection to the characters really resonates with me today!
Thank you for sharing the magic of a good book! This post brings back fond memories. I wish I made more time to read like I use to pre being a mommy. I vividly remember enjoying the smell of a new book, and getting lost in the story with the characters.
This is now on my to be read list… I am reading Island of Sea Woman by Lisa Sea and it has grabbed me as well… I am not sure I "know the characters" but I do know I sat on my bed listening to the book for over an hour yesterday after getting home because I could not turn it off as I left the car
I am now intrigued and want to read this book!