Exploring Patterns to Spark Curiosity

My lofty (and somewhat nebulous) goal this year is to teach students to be curious.  This is particularly challenging in a subject that is often presented as “Memorize all of these patterns (formulas) that people figured out hundreds of years ago.  You will need them for a future test or class, but (probably) never again.”  With all of this memorization, what is there to be curious about?  And since that future test and future class are still looming realities, where is the time for curiosity?

Enter Algebra Readiness.  My Algebra Readiness class is designed to be a bridge for students between their middle school math experience and their high school math experience.  My goals are simple.  

  1. Understand that math is a creative subject.  

  2. Apply Growth Mindset strategies to shift your math experience.

  3. Explain foundational math concepts in a variety of ways (i.e. verbally, visually, numerically, etc.)

In an effort to show the inherent creativity in mathematics, I created a unit in which we are exploring patterns 一 lots and lots of patterns.  The first pattern we looked at was the Hailstone Sequence.  The Hailstone Sequence starts with any whole number and follows this pattern: If the number is even, divide it by 2.  If the number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1.  Keep applying these rules until the pattern appears to end.


For example: If you start with 7, the sequence looks like …

7 – 22 – 11 – 34 – 17 – 52 – 26 – 13 – 40 – 20 – 10 – 5 – 16 – 8 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 1 …


This is called a “Hailstone Sequence” because hailstones go up and down like this – they start in a cloud as drops of rainwater, then they are pushed higher in the atmosphere by wind where they freeze, sometimes several times, before eventually falling back to Earth.  These number sequences are called hailstone sequences because they go up and down like hailstones.  In 1937 a mathematician proposed his conjecture for these Hailstone Sequences, that for any number you pick, if you follow the procedure enough times you will eventually get to 1. Since then lots of mathematicians have been trying to prove or disprove it. So far every number that has been tried has followed his conjecture, and powerful computers have checked enormous numbers of numbers, but no one knows if there is a big number out there that might break the rule.   So this is classified as an unsolved problem in mathematics.

This, in and of itself, is pretty cool.  Since most problems we give students in math are problems that we (as teachers) already know the answer to, giving them an “unsolved problem” shifts the dynamic away from the cliche “sage on the stage”.  Students were simply asked to pick a starting number and run the sequence.  Then repeat this enough times until you are convinced of something.  I didn’t tell them where to start.  I didn’t tell them where to end.  I simply told them to figure it out.  As expected, some of them were super frustrated (as I would have been).  But they asked questions, they tried different starting points, they collaborated with each other and they all eventually came to the same conclusion as that mathematician did 80+ years ago.  But the coolest part was that after we concluded our time with this pattern I had multiple students ask me, “Ms. Levesque, are there any other unsolved problems in math that we can do?”  

So my question is this: In a world where students can get answers to most of their questions through a quick Google search, how do we teach them to be curious?

0 thoughts on “Exploring Patterns to Spark Curiosity

  1. I think it was around Sputnik time that schools came out with "new math." When I asked my dad for some help with this new math he told me it was not new, it was just a different way to solve math problems. After showing me several different ways to solve multiplication and division problems he explained that how you solve the problems is not important. What is important is understanding how problems are solved. This began a journey where he taught me how to understand math instead of just "doing math."

    Understanding math got me really excited because it unveiled the secret of how math works. It is like the difference between just following recipes and really understanding how each of ingredient contributes to the taste of the meal. Knowing that doing and understanding are two different things got me really curious about math.

    Another thing that makes me curious about math is finding out what I can do with it. I know you have found this in your practical math classes. There is so much interesting math related to money. The math of climate change is downright scary! What is the math related to COVID and drug trials? There must be something interesting in the math of drug trials. Why is Bank fo America willing to pay $130,000 for number crunchers fresh out of college? Maybe that fact will spark some interest.

    You are an awesome teacher. After "observing" your class from across the hall, I know that for a fact. Google searches can provide answers. They cannot provide meaning and understanding. That's where you come in. Finding how the engage our students is a lifelong journey that always keeps teaching exciting. Never stop looking.

  2. Kristina, I love the Hailstone problem… wish I had this type of math when I was a student… it is funny I don't remember what it was that unlocked the door for me, i know it was around that age that something clicked and I discovered it was all a game… a riddle to solve… great that you are opening that door for them

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