DEI Meeting My Students Current Needs

During the past couple weeks I met my students needs of wanting to know more about what happens after high school. Seniors where struggling with what to do in their college process and younger students had not yet started thinking about what comes next. Students wanted to see how math can be applied in the real world. This section met the students needs and was relevant to their current lives. 


I just wanted to share a few things with you that your student has been learning about and engaging with these past couple weeks. As a class we discussed what our plans are for after high school including options like trade school, community college, private and public four-year colleges and more. The overall theme was figuring out how we would finance our dreams ahead. 
We discussed the pros and cons of all higher education options, specifically the overall cost and how to create a monthly budget for those expenses.  We had Mrs. San Miguel from College and Career visit our class to explain the critical topics such as FAFSA, grants, scholarships, and loans. Your students have now applied for at least two scholarships! Every student participated in the Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship and also applied for another scholarship of their choosing.  I included some examples of the greeting cards below for your reference. We donated these cards to a senior living home to enjoy the holidays. 
As a final assessment your student was given an alias and had to budget one year of college for them. The goal was for students to understand how to budget for big expenses in their future. The alias given to your students was able to show them the variety of circumstances each person faces in the world. One alias was a single mother making $40,000 and another was a student whose family made $275,000 a year. Not only did students learn about the different circumstances families face and their needs but they also explored different job careers. 
I hope your student shared what they learned and are able to apply what they learned. FAFSA is currently open for the seniors to apply. For juniors and sophomores this was a great chance to get them familiar with the college process and thinking about what is to come next. Please let me know if you have any questions from the lessons we discussed.


0 thoughts on “DEI Meeting My Students Current Needs

  1. I love that you allowed our students the opportunity to go step by step through a monthly budget from different financial perspectives along with engage with critical topics such as: FASFA, grants, scholarships, and loans. I wish I would have had an experience like this when I was in high school in order to prepare for college. The cards created for the scholarship application look amazing, and I enjoy hearing about the community outreach of donating them to a senior living home. I hope one of our students wins the scholarship. Please keep us posted. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. Communicating with parents is cool. They really like it.

    I did this project in Econ classes. Always a big hit. It is a great way to bring the real world into the classroom.

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