Student Work Published on KQED Website

Just before break, sophomore English classes participated in KQED’s Media Challenge: “Rethink School with MindShift”. The project required students to write an argumentative commentary for a two-minute video or oral presentation on the topic of how we could reimagine school.

The most popular topics in my classes were: uniforms, school start times, homework load, and self-paced math.

While students were encouraged to publish their videos to the KQED Youth Media Showcase, so far I’ve only had one student submit her video. And it’s fantastic. I’m so proud of Annabelle Chung for representing Carondelet on this national platform. 

To learn more about the challenge, and other KQED Youth Media Challenges, go here.

0 thoughts on “Student Work Published on KQED Website

  1. What an amazing and cute video… but the problem is, that one of the reasons school starts so early is BECAUSE of athletics… if we start later, when would they participate in athletic stuff… I actually agree that a teen's biorhythm is set to going to be later and waking up later — and the problem is they are not getting enough sleep because they go to bed so late… In France school starts later (much less of their time is made up of extra curricular stuff) BUT they also get out of school much later… 4 PM and even 7PM a couple times a week for some!

  2. That's what I've always wondered about, too. It just pushes the day later. I had one student argue that athletes shouldn't be required to take a P.E. class and instead have that time as a study hall. Seems like a creative partial solution.

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