I know that Alludo is not everyone’s cup of tea. I also know that I personally let missions pile up too much as Alludo feedback gets bumped for other “priority” needs. But I have to say, I always end up loving the time I do spend reading people’s reflections and missions. I learn so much about my colleagues, about what they are doing, and really truly enjoy how thoughtful they are. I want to run around and share some of the classroom experiments with the whole faculty but Alludo is a contained system.
This weekend I am sitting on an unseasonably warm, sunny patio, drinking amazing coffee and listening to a weird quantity of Emeryville birds chirping (who knew?) and reading Alludo missions. I got sucked in this time with Kate Cutright’s station rotation experiment to get students into Colton Whitehead’s Underground Railroad and Katie Hutches’ Data-Driven student centers to help students get unstuck through meeting them where they are at. I want to share the reflections on the blog but feel that “it is not my story to tell.” So I am blogging… I am blogging in hopes that they and others understand that sometimes their Alludo experiments and the amazing reflections connected to them are share-worthy and that their colleagues would love to hear from their learning and try some of these great strategies in their own classes!