It’s all in the genes at Dr. T’s Honors And AP Biology classes these days.  Biology Honors students learned how to extract DNA from strawberries using a technique modified from Avery’s Nobel Prize experiments.  In a nutshell, students broke apart cellular and nuclear membranes of plant cells using a detergent and “coagulated” proteins with salt.  They then precipitated out DNA in spools using 91% isopropanol and stored their loot for show-and-tell.  While strawberries hardly qualify as criminal suspects, this technique is widely used in Forensics laboratories all over the world.  Even better, it is fun!

Meanwhile, AP Biology students learned how to analyze DNA using agarose electrophoresis.  Sample DNA was obtained from Bacteriophage Lambda (a virus that infects bacteria) and digested with enzymes called Restriction Endonucleases that cleave DNA at specific sites.  What is shown on gels is a ladder of fragments we refer to as a “ fingerprint”.  These enzymes were first isolated from bacteria after it was discovered that they defend themselves from viral infection by cleaving viral DNA.  The enzymes used in lab were PstI, EcoRI and HindIII and all are commonly employed in Forensics and Biotechnology.  The next step for the AP students is a Whodunit Mystery where they will use this technology to identify the perpetrator of a crime using DNA obtained from the mock crime scene.

Aligning Honors and AP Biology: “Double-Dipping” With a Purpose

If one were to track Honors Biology and AP Biology, one is likely to find that they travel curiously similar and parallel paths.  There’s a reason for this (and not just because it makes my life easier).  Honors students are building the skill scaffold that will support them in AP Biology.  Such skills include hands-on lab techniques, critical and analytical thinking and technical writing.  AP Biology students routinely use the same techniques as Honors students but are asked to design and execute their own experiments and provide a higher level of quantitative analysis and reasoning to explain results.  In today’s lab exercise, Honors Biology students were tasked with harvesting root tips and preparing them, step-by-step, for microscopic analysis of the phases of mitosis (cell division).  The goal of this experiment is to estimate the relative time cells spend in any one phase of the mitotic cycle.  This is a baseline activity.  In an AP variation, students use the same technique to prepare a control sample (baseline) and one treated with indole-3-acetic acid, a plant hormone that induces cell division.  Like their Honors counterparts, they must determine the relative frequencies with which cells are found in a specific mitotic phase but they must also perform a chi-square analysis to determine whether any measured difference between the observed and expected data is statistically significant (to within a 95% confidence level).  One technique, two levels of inquiry.

This alignment of the two programs has been ongoing this entire semester.  There is, of course, an ulterior motive (isn’t there always?).  It is hoped that these challenges whet students’ appetites to carry out independent research projects that become capstones to their years at CHS or that they can explore further in college.

Great Things A Brewin’: Fermentation

Honors Biology classes smelled like a bakery today as students explored the mechanism of anaerobic fermentation by making bread.  When yeast cells do not have oxygen for cellular respiration, they make energy by “short-circuiting” the process using anaerobic fermentation.  Our bodies have their own version of this process but a by-product is lactic acid.  Have you ever felt like your muscles are fatigued after a really strenuous workout?  Bingo!

That’s lactic acid built up in your muscles.  Of course, we cannot deny our love affair with yeast fermentation since the other great product of this process is…you guessed it, Budweiser.

Chlorophyl, Carotenoids, Anthocyanins…Oh My!

    Students in Dr. T’s Honors Biology classes have been examining pigments contained in a variety of green and non-green leaves using chromatography.  Pigments are key to the ability of plants to harness energy from the sun to manufacture glucose.  Most of us know this process as Photosynthesis.  Honors Biology students are currently learning about cellular energy systems that power metabolic processes in living things..and having a grand time to boot!

Peer Reviews of Yeast Catalase Experiments in AP Biology

In Dr. T’s AP Biology class, students examined a variety of conditions that affect the activity of the yeast Catalase (Peroxidase).  The enzyme catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen gas.  Each team selected their own controlled conditions to conduct the study and used oxygen production as a measure of enzymatic activity.  Team data was presented in a poster session format similar to scientific conferences and each student was expected to provide insight on experimental design, data analysis and possible sources of experimental error.

AP Biology students are required to design experiments, make claims about expected results, present supportive evidence using data collected and analyzed, and provide reasoning for their observations based on scientific knowledge.  By participating in peer review and critique of laboratory data and experimental design, students hone critical thinking skills in preparation, not just for a fully revamped AP Biology Test, but for all aspects of their education.