Vaping in the Back 40s?

I’m teaching my sophomores how to read infographics and
other informational texts and kicked off the unit today with a look at the
following infographic on vaping:
The infographic brought about some important discussions I
overheard and also participated in with smaller groups. We talked about how
Northgate High School has a huge problem with vaping and is trying to crack
down. Students here said they don’t see it as much of a problem.
Some interesting takeaways:
“We have uniforms and so we try to rebel with
those and then we don’t go so far as to rebel with vaping”
“People will probably go over to DLS to vape …
the girls’ restrooms there are not monitored at all”
“Or the Back 40s”
“No one here has ever had a conversation with me
like, ‘Don’t vape.’”
Students asked me what I would do if I caught someone …
would I tell them to put it away or would I confiscate it? I didn’t have an
answer. I would probably run to check with Caitlyn!
As a
parent, I was to assume my kids won’t vape. As a teacher at Carondelet, I want
to assume my students won’t vape. But that’s not realistic. Perhaps we have a policy or a protocol I am unaware of. Do you think we
need to have more schoolwide efforts to address this issue?

Keeping Myself Accountable in a Simple Visual Way

Today I was working on a project Gaeby is developing, on themes and movements in the Industrial Revolution and  if and how they are still true/active today. I am encountering numbers and statistics as I look into this.  I enjoy making data visible,  and  I wondered if VennGage, a tool I have used a little before, would work as a infographic tool for her students. It has lovely interactive capabilities and amazing charting and graphics.

I like to give tools a real life test, and thought of my project spreadsheet.  I keep track of projects I do with teachers (that do not have to do directly with Schoology) here  I do this to help me find, remember and reflect on what worked and what didn’t. I decided to add a query on the project sheet on if these projects contained students opportunities at the 4 Cs  (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity) and a goal of mine- quick and actionable feedback.

Here is the result.  I am glad I am doing this-I see I need to consider collaboration more.  The feedback  visual probably looks more impressive than it should, because I gave Membean a check for quick feedback and I am not sure that is true.   I need to discuss with the English department if this is their perception. I am disappointed in the creativity, and  actually in the number of projects.  I need to reach out more.  I  As I consider this, maybe I will make one by department too, to see what that visual might reveal.  A fun thing about this post is the graphic is embedded, so when I change graphic, this post will change, too.  I love that sort of thing. 

PS. Still not certain this is right tool for Gaeby’s project. But it may be for yours!