I’ve been struggling lately with this idea of blogging. If there was a #mood for blogs this is how I feel:
Creative thinking has always come naturally while I’m running. It’s so easy for me to tune out for a few minutes (okay hours) and just think, dream, discuss with those I’m running with. It might be biased but some of my best ideas and greatest conversations have come during this time.
The problem is…. I haven’t had much time to “jog” lately, let alone go for a walk, or even sit in the sun. Living a balanced life has been VERY difficult for me this year and I’m finding that I can’t balance all of life’s demands.
So, I ask: “Why blog when you can jog?”
Join me for a Jblog: September 27th, at 2:45 pm (start time is flexible) 🙂
Walking, Jogging or Running is welcome!
Meet at the chapel lawn…we might have a pit stop.