The Illusion of Truth

“I am…”


Growing up I was always told that if you hear something eleven times then your mind will begin to believe it, whether it’s true or not. The more we expose ourselves to a specific message, the more familiar it becomes. As humans, our brains are wired to believe that the things that are easy and familiar to us are also true (known as Cognitive fluency).
More often than not we hear our students close their statement with negativity.  “I am okay,” “I am hungry,” “I am tired.”  In our yoga classes we encourage our students to flip their thought process and fill the statement with something positive, whether they believe it or not.  

Ms. Ashley Chavez was inspired to develop the “I Am…” project in her yoga classes after listening to a song by India Aria called “I Am Light.”

Our goal is to empower and challenge the young women of Carondelet to step outside of their comfort zones and find their true authentic selves.

PE, Phys Ed, or Kin… Why the change?

Kinesiology is the most recognized term in the physical education and recreation field. It is a term used to describe the art and science of human movement. Including applications of human health such as sports and exercise, strength and conditioning, biomechanics, psychology and physiology. This title more clearly represents the evolution of our department and also aligns more accurately with language used at the University level.