Praise to Schoology’s Google assignments

I just love using Schoology’s Google assignments.

Here’s why. 
  • All Google sharing between teacher and student is done in background by Schoology, so no one forgets to share. 
  • I stay organized with students’ work and never lose a paper. They are always in Schoology and on my Google Drive. 
  • Grading also stays organized because I can grade and it goes into Schoology grade book. I also like the little pat on the relaxing back Schoology gives me when I am finished grading (shown in image above). 
  • More importantly for me, I feel I am giving USABLE FEEDBACK.  I do this by offering  do-overs after feedback.  I comment right on the Google doc, and if I feel the student did not understand or adequately complete the assignment I give a few course corrections and then unsubmit the work before I grade.  My students know they should check their document if they did not yet receive grade in Schoology. . 

Making a small space work

“Organized Chaos” is a term that can often be used to describe my Costume & Fashion Class.

At the end of the first Unit, my students rotate through a machine sewing project.

With 18 students and only 4 machines, this often means that students are working on several different projects at one time.

Today there were students sewing on machines, designing patterns, cutting fabric and still other were working on a online assignment on Schoology.