Is it Actually Schoolwork or Homework?

Schoolwork at Home
Sometimes schoolwork outside of school is necessary.
We can’t get around it…but this made me stop to think about how much actual “homework”
our students get to do when they go home.

Do they get to eat at a dinner table free of distractions? Do they get to have real conversations with parents? Do they do their own laundry? Do they actually get to spend time, in person, with their friends outside of class and practice? My best afternoons of high school were when my best friend and I had no homework, no obligations, and could go shop or get froyo or go to the golf driving range. (to clarify I did not golf, my talent was placing the ball on the tee for my League MVP best friend). 
With that said…..guess what I am going to do? Assign “schoolwork at home”.
However, I am going to ask them to interview a parent, grandparent, teacher, or other relative that is
married. I want them to have a conversation with the adult about the ups and downs and true reality
of marriage since we have just learned about the Sacrament of Matrimony.
While the interview will have to be done at home I am giving them a block period to actually complete
the “schoolwork” part. After reading Miranda’s blog about her students vlogging during Thanksgiving
and hearing student feedback when I observed, I am inspired to figure out ways to facilitate
“schoolwork at home” that actually creates true “homework”.