Building Anti-Racists White Educators

Racism, sexism, and elitism were institutionalized long before the first English settlers arrived at Jamestown in 1607. The class I just finished through the UC Berkeley History Social Science Project focused on racism in the United States and what we, as educators, can do to help our students and the public understand the long standing and  insidious nature of racism and to pursue actions to  accelerate the process of ending racism.

Racism in the United States is a subject that cannot be ignored. We read in the news about  white people carrying guns while protesting coronavirus restrictions. These people are praised by our president. We read about a black man who is shot for jogging in the wrong place at the wrong time. The discrepancy is obvious. These are just two examples of endemic racism in white America.

Closer to home, when I hear my Carondelet black students telling me about how they are followed by store employees when shopping alone or with their mother, but not when they are accompanied by white friends. And when I hear about Carondelet Latina students telling me about white adults telling them they should go back to where they came from, it shows how deeply racism is ingrained in the minds of so many white Americans. This is not something happening in some southern state or in the midwest. These are Carondelet students who experience racism on an almost daily basis right here in Contra Costa County.

We also need to acknowledge that it is white people who are the problem. And that includes all of us white people. Sure, none of us are racist, but can we even pretend to know what it is like to be not seen by others as being white? Can we know what non-white students hear when we speak to them? We can have the purest hearts in the world and still be seen as racist. We need to talk about racism as teachers who want to better understand how it affects our non-white students. We need to talk to students to see our reflections in their eyes. Most important, we need to explain to our white students how ingrained racism is in our society and what can be done to eradicate racism before the next 400 years pass by. Understanding is the first step to making change. Doing nothing is not an option, not for those of us who wish to “serve the dear neighbor.” 

Don’t Flash, Do Zoom

Flash mobs are so yesterday. The new craze is Zoom parties. My friends and I have been zooming nightly. Send out an invite. Gather snacks and beverages. Join the Zoom party. We are zooming with friends from Pleasant Hill to Palm Desert. It’s really fun, and there is no danger of COVID-19 infection. Last night was highlighted with a lively discussion about toilet seat bidets. How do they work? Which are the best? How much will you save on toilet paper? Are there rental possibilities? Will you ever need to go to Costco and interface with complete strangers again? It does not get any better.

 Zooming with my classes has also been an interesting experience. Three hours straight in the morning is a killer. Not even time to use a toilet seat bidet! I have been Zooming with four to six students at a time at 15 minute intervals. This is about right for them, but these back to back sessions are not working for me. This week I am going to try variations.

 Students have been very punctual about logging on and off. They are attentive and engaged. I have even done a couple of late afternoon sessions. These are more relaxed. With these optional sessions students have really been getting into the assignments. Their thoughts and questions have been impressive.

 I hope, as we all experiment and share ideas, we will be able to find a variety of ways to integrate Zoom into our curriculum. Many ideas are flying in my head but one never knows what will happen until these ideas are put to the test. This leaves me with one question, “If we all try to make the most of this lemon, will there be enough sugar left in the stores to make lemonade?”

All-New Flipgrid, Seriously!

I used Flipgrid for a few lessons back in the day. My students and I were not overly impressed. If you
are a long time S.F. Chronicle reader you will understand our rating. We were paying attention, but not really excited. It was a little man politely sitting in his chair reaction.

When I stumbled across a web page “introducing the all-new Flipgrid curiosity forced me to to take a look. I could not believe what I was reading. The individual student time limit was raised from the old 1.5 minutes to walloping 5 minutes. What student can speak for five minutes straight about an academic subject? If you find such a student, these five minute segments can be linked together seamlessly for as long as you might desire.

Students can also create their videos in iMovie or some other video program and import their files by simply dragging them onto their Flipgrid. Another amazing new feature.

The teacher can sort and link the student videos in any way she wants simply by dragging them up or down, or by creating a new grid for selected videos. This is beyond cool. I just divided my class into six teams. Each team researched an example of United States imperialism. Each student read a segment of the example with inserted images. I ordered these sequentially to make coherent (sort of coherent for this first attempt) videos that covered the whole subject. When we played them back, bada bing bada boom (this set had more bing than boom). It’s a work in progress, but with such potential.

There’s more! Flipgrid has a rubric for grading built in. No kidding. Here is a screenshot of a custom rubric. Students can also see the criteria for the top level of each category. How cool is that?

Notice that you can email individual feedback to each student.  No one will have any doubts about their grade, especially after they read the comments section. How cool can you get without being redundantly cool?

I have become a Flipgrid aficionado. The possibilities are so many. The all-new Flipgrid really is all new and had me jumping out of my chair. Give it a try. I bet you will like it as much as the little man.

Website Project Final Exam

This is the second time I have had my students create websites for their final exams. This time I asked them what they thought of this type of final. I was blown away by the consistency and strength of their answers. The eight questions each began with “Which type of test is better for…” The answer choices were bubble sheet, timed writing, and website project. From memorizing to creating, the overwhelming choice was the website project. You can view the results here.

The last item called for comments. Here are a few of the better typical comments. You can view all 138 comments here.
  • I believe that ultimately each asks for a different level and way of thinking and analysis. A bubble sheet test asks for memorization and no in depth analysis, simply a regurgitation of facts. Timed writing requires one to take information and develop it further into a grander and deeper idea. A website takes both of these ideas and allows for the deepest and most well thought out development of them.

  • I think it is more valuable to do projects because you can more creatively show and connect what you have learned rather than just memorize stuff and spit it out on a test and then forget about it after.

  • Bubble sheets are more stressful in a time that is already stressful. The website was given to us earlier in the year giving us more time to make it the best we can. I also learned a lot more creating a website rather than studying for a test.

  • The three are very different but I think the website lets you write to the best of your ability and get put out all the knowledge you’ve learned. Timed writing would give us less time and won’t let us be able to out as much information.

  • Bubble sheets are good for memorizing dates and names, but often it is forgotten soon after. A timed write allows you to go into detail on a subject, but the time limit makes it harder to consider different options. A website allows to cover a range of topics in depth and gives enough time to think deeply about the benefits and consequences of the fact

  • I believe bubble sheet tests are good assessing your knowledge but you won’t necessarily remember the information later. Timed writes are good at assessing your knowledge as well but I find myself making up information to take up space in the essay. I feel like website projects are the best type of final exams because you have to be an expert on the subject to write about it.

  • The bubble sheet and timed writing tests are faster and better at assessing factual knowledge, but the website project leaves more room for creativity and for us to express our own perspective on topics. I think the website project is just as effective at educating us, but it is less stressful.

  • Bubble sheet tests can encourage studying, but more common than not students will cram information into their brains, take the test, and forget it immediately after. Timed writing tests are stressful and don’t always produce the best work because everyone is rushing to get their thoughts into words. Project tests are by far the best because they are fun, collaborative, and make learning about a project enjoyable and fun. It also encourages collaboration between students.
  • I think website projects have the most value because they allow students to synthesize new information while applying other information we have learned throughout the semester. They are also good because it is an interesting project that does not cause a lot of stress.

The comments were amazing. There is really nothing else to add. I did not know students thought about learning in this depth. Of course, this is just one example of the power of Project Based Learning, but firsthand experience makes it so much more meaningful. 

I would enjoy hearing about and discussing PBL with others. Please let me know if you are using it in your curriculum.

How do you get students to share their work…without the boring as hell presentations??

Help! I need to make
more time for students to share their work with 
each other…without being soooo boring or taking up sooooo much class time. 
This blog is really
two parts – one part is about a helpful tool I learned at iNACOL, and the other is
looking wondering how you make time for students to share their work with one
another…….that doesn’t require the brain numbing 28 person individual presentation.
One of the most
helpful takeaways from the iNACOL conference was seeing the ways that other
teachers out there were trying to differentiate learning for their students. My
favorite of these was called “The Learning Menu” – not particularly earth
shattering or mind-blowing – but something that stuck for me and that I implemented
as soon as I got back for my very burnt-out-of-lectures-seniors. 

Here is mine: 

My “Learning Menu” is a Google Doc where students in my Psych class went through different topics in the Health Psychology field. Some sections provided choice, while others required them to learn some foundational knowledge, and concluded with a chance to demonstrate some deeper learning. If you are interested in seeing the Google Doc it’s here.

Step 1 – students worked on the first two sections on their own & we jigsawed the mental health conditions out in class the following day so students could learn more about the ones they did not watch the video for. 

Step 2 – students did boxes three & four followed by a day in class where we made wellness related goals for ourselves that had to be backed by the research from the videos that they watched for these tasks plus some others that they found online. 

Step 3 – students were given a choice about how they wanted to demonstrate their deeper learning (see choices above, and full assignment here) and were off to work on their own for a bit. 

The amazing part of this assignment is that I did not have to lecture (my seniors are over lectures AND me at this point in the semester) and I STILL felt like they learned as much if not more than if I had! Because they came to class having digested some content ahead of time. Our conversations were richer, students got to learn about different psychological disorders from one another, and class time was used more effectively overall – if this seems like it would be of any value to you I would love to talk more about it. 

BUT as they completed their deeper learning assignment I was excited by their creativity and realness with the assignment. It hadn’t dawned on me that because there was so much freedom with the assignment their final products would be so varied. One student interviewed his sister (a special ed teacher) to see how she practices self care in a stressful job. One student who rarely speaks in class talked about how he cares for a family member with bi-polar disorder & why talking about mental health is so important to him – just to name two. Cool right?

While I gave them a lot of personal feedback/kudos on their assignment, it seemed like a disservice that they completed these projects in a vacuum and didn’t have the opportunity to share out what they did. 

So, to my question – how do you get your students to share out their work in a way that is meaningful and engaging?? Twenty-eight separate presentations would be boring as hell, but I worry that if I asked them to share out in small groups they would be off topic (am I just projecting my former student self?) What tips and tricks do you find that works, and how do you do it without taking days out of the unit??

Let me know if you have any ideas please! 

Blended Strategies

I have a problem and would like to know if anyone can help. I have a love/hate relationship with blended classes. I love the quality student to teacher and student to student contact time afforded by blended classes. I hate how many students do not make good use of their out of class blended time. I hate how it seems there must be a trade-off between quality class time and hit and miss out of class time. There must be a better way.

Just to add another layer, I would like my student teams to work together on some of their out of class blended days. Students see the benefits of teaming. When I have teams sit on the patio or in the hall, they can complete much work in their teams. Just having that extra space that allows them to not be sitting back to back in a crowded classroom really helps, but they still need supervision. Instead of monitoring a group discussion, I must patrol the teams to answer questions and to insure students are staying on task. There must be a better way. There is too much good about blended classes to give them up just because there are some problems.

One other great attribute of blended classes is that they prepare students for college. I still vividly remember when the president of San Jose State back in 1965 addressed my freshman class. He said he really appreciated the opportunity to meet all of us this one time because only half of us would make it to graduation. Wow, a fifty percent dropout rate! That really shocked me until I learned how many distractions there are in college. The current average college dropout rate seems to be about thirty percent. That’s still a lot of students who never learn how to discipline themselves to study independently. What better place to learn independent study habits than in high school? In college there are not helicopter parents and no incentive for teachers to be helicopter teachers. Blended classes can provide that transition students need to be successful in college.

So, here is the question. How do we wean students from depending on a closed and structured classroom environment without losing them to the myriad of distractions right outside the classroom door?

This second semester I am going to try some “in house” blended teaching. Students will have time on their own outside the classroom, but must stay on campus. Since I will be in the gigantic I-Center, there should be plenty of quiet spaces for students to work. But I need ways to insure they are really working. One idea is to have team members spend the last few minutes of the class time summarizing what they have learned is a short discussion. They will record the discussion and turn in the recording as an assignment. Another is exit tickets. These can be done as a team or individually at the end of the class. The students would not be in class, but it is the same idea. I thought of journals, but so far I have found that students tire of them and I don’t have time to look at them. Maybe I am doing it wrong. This is not a long list of ideas. I would like to have a few more, especially ones that work.

I don’t want to go into this cold turkey. I will have had enough of that after Thanksgiving. Please let me know if you have tried anything to monitor blended independent time work. What has worked for you? What has not worked for you? Am I the only one who thinks about this?

Hot Seat Two

How do you have a successful whole class discussion with 30+
students? The secret is to keep them moving and, of course, having a killer
topic to discuss. The latest format I have found that works well combines the
fishbowl, jigsaw, and Socratic discussion. I call this one Hot Seat Two. I have
already written about my hot seat discussions, thus the “two.”

For this discussion I started with the topic, “Is there a
natural law or a divine law that dictates the predominance of one group of
people over another?” In U.S. History we explore such topics while studying the
Gilded Age.

To prepare for the discussion each student must use two
sources and find at least five relevant and unique quotes from each source. My
students are in teams of five to six students. No member of a team allowed to
use sources chosen by any other team member. When all research is completed,
team resources are combined for a total of at least ten sources and fifty
quotes. The team members then share and discuss their individual work and share
their ideas about how the information might help answer the essential question.

On the day of the discussion desks are arranged in a big
circle like a fishbowl with all team members side by side, but with only one
seat in the inner circle for each team. Team members in the inner circle are
each given two opportunities in a random jigsaw manner to present two arguments
supported by evidence, or to respond to another student with more or
conflicting evidence. No one has to speak, and the discussion order is random.
Students did get points for speaking and none for silence. As soon as the round
is over, another teammate takes the hot seat and the discussion continues.
Between discussion sessions I give about a minute for team members to discuss
what the next speaker might wish to contribute. These team discussions are
short but animated.

Each round goes quickly, about five minutes. I have each new
speaker come from the right hand  seat
from the team’s outer circle and have everyone move over one seat to the right.
This, and the one minute reviews, relieves the boredom of sitting for a long
time. The standing and sitting actually encourage team discussion. Short
sessions and moving around keep the discussion fresh and lively. In a long
block everyone gets to join the discussion at least twice, and everyone stays

Here are a few typical responses from students’ Friday

“The thing I liked the most is that everyone got an
opportunity to speak during the discussion and no one dominated.”

“Everyone brought up important subjects that we found on our
own and the discussion was productive.”

“I liked hearing everybody’s different perspectives and
gaining new ideas from them. I liked that I was able to have more perspectives
because of this discussion.”

“Whenever I had something to add but wasn’t in the hot seat
I couldn’t. I suggest adding an empty hot seat to the circle that anyone can
jump in.”

“I don’t like class discussions because I’m shy but I think
it worked really well.”

The only negative responses were about not having enough
time to talk more. I think the key factor for the positive responses was the
movement. Complaints in past discussions involved too much sitting and
disengagement through lack of participation. Being able to move and talk about
ideas between each round of discussion keeps the blood flowing and makes
everyone feel more involved. Try a Hot Seat Two and see if it works well for

Feeling (and over thinking) all of the feels of SEL

This year in Big
History, Gaeby and I, along with the help of Sam Martinez (if you are not picking Sam’s brain, like what are you even doing
professionally?), developed a way to get a glimpse into our students’ social emotional lives throughout the course of their freshmen year. We created a “Twice Weekly Check In” Google
Form where students spend a few minutes twice a week in class filling it out
and giving us feedback. Here is what it looks like;
Here is some of the feedback that I get at the end of each week;
This snapshot is
from the beginning of the year. I saw which girls from my 3rd period
were getting involved in sports, which girls might be struggling socially, and
which girls were still trying to get a hang of how things work academically around

This snapshot was
from a couple of weeks ago as girls turned in their first major project in my
class. I can see that many of them are not feeling ready to turn in their
projects which is something that Gaeby and I were able to address with enough
time before meltdown mode. It also shows what else is on my students minds as
they work on this project; shadow visits and frosh council selection.

Here is what I am thinking a few months into this- 
  • Students don’t seem to mind doing this twice a week – it has become a routine!
  • I am able to adapt in real time to student needs (ie changing deadlines, making seating charts, changing instructional approaches) that I feel will benefit my students.
  • I am
    getting much better at having hard conversations with students because I am not
    guessing at what their needs are. I know and can get right to the point.
  • I have insights as to why work is not getting turned in or why a student’s performance might dip. 
  • The
    Freshmen hallway being moved upstairs is HUGE for me and makes casual check ins
    really easy. I try to make a point to take notes on some of the fun stuff they
    add to the list (like dog costumes & sports) and take some laps upstairs on Fridays to check in
    with students as they are packing up for the weekend.
  • I really feel like I know MOST of my students at this point.

    FATIGUE – I do not always have the bandwidth to hold space for student problems
    when I am at my own limit so I worry about consistency.
  •  It can
    be really easy to forget to have students take the survey when you are caught up in a lesson or trying to get to the end of a unit on time.
  • I don’t always
    know what to do with all of the feedback I get and therefore have probably
    become a big pain in the butt for our personal counselors and ed support team with my many questions. 

  •  What
    days of the week are best to survey students?
  • Is this
    actually improving my teaching and if so how do I measure that?
  • Are students going to get burned out on surveys?
  • Might they have expectations of me checking in with them personally that I cannot always meet, and therefore disappoint them?

 Well if you scrolled down the page this far thanks, any thoughts or feedback is much appreciated!

Also, Here’s a quote that I came across today that I really liked;
“Every time you think of calling a kid an “attention-seeking” this year, consider changing it to “connection-seeking” and see how your perspective changes 
– Dr. JodyCarrington

Processing Content

How’s that for a catchy title? It’s about as exciting as discovering that most of your students did not read the assigned reading or watch the assigned video. The remedy might be to assign outlining or note taking. Maybe give a quiz! How about doing a reflection? Even after all of these are you still getting blank stares instead of a great discussion?

Recently, I had my students in four classes read or listen to a chapter in the book, “The Half Has Never Been Told.” They were required to take “prolific” notes. I broke the reading down into three parts that were due during three consecutive days.

Now for the good part. Instead of having a discussion, I had a contest following each day of reading. I would read a question aloud. Teammates (I have five to six teams in each class) were given a few minutes to discuss their notes and come up with a good answer to the question. The first answer was determined by “Popsicle Sticks”, an app that randomly selects students. When you select the one student at a time option, the app even says their name aloud. That got everyone’s attention because no one knew who would go first. After the first answer, team reporters were allowed to either dispute the answer or add to the answer. For every answer given by a teammate, the team was given a point. I included about five or six questions for each contest. At the end I announced the team standings.

I noticed that most everyone was really engaged. The engagement improved each day over the three days. On the first day someone always asked about how this contest would be graded. It told them we were doing the contest to experience the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. No grades would be given. Everyone seemed to be perfectly happy with this. On day two and three the contests were met with anticipation.

One great outcome was that students were really thinking about how they could add value to the previous answer. Many ideas were suggested, most expanding on the previous answers. We were having a good discussion in the form of a contest.

Many students mentioned the contests in their “Friday Feedback” assignments. Many commented on how the discussions helped them understand the material much better. They thought it was a great way to use their notes. They enjoyed the contests and asked to do more of them. They were not too thrilled about the “Popsicle Sticks” random name selection but agreed that it helped keep everyone engaged. Overall, the comments were overwhelmingly positive. This one is a winner! I will be doing it again.


Okay, I must admit, I learned something from Michael Schooler while team teaching the American Studies class. I did learn other somethings, but this was not just a normal something. This was a big something.

Social studies teachers like the facts. As Joe Friday would say, “All we want are the facts, ma’am.” To ensure students know the facts we have them write summaries and outlines. We even give quizzes. I mean, how can students even begin to understand history without knowing all the facts?

Early on in American Studies my teammate, Mr. Schooler, gave the students a reflection assignment. My first reaction, I must admit, was that this was the beginning of that touchy feely English department stuff that is so not social studies. As the first set of reflections came in I could see that the students were thinking deeply about the material and were drawing some great connections between the ideas in the text and their own life experiences.

By the end of the year I was completely sold on this whole reflection thing. It is the linking mechanism that ties the curriculum to each student’s worldview, or life experience. It turns dry curriculum into exciting curriculum. It lights the way to that critical connection between the content and the student.

This year almost every assignment I give includes a reflection. Students are making the connections. They can see how everything they learn does relate to their own lives. This one little extra stretch has made a huge difference in students’ depth of understanding and appreciation. It is an essential key to student engagement. Reflections rock. Thank you, Michael, for showing me the real value of this “touchy feely” learning tool.