Choreographed Discussions

I was completely blown out of the water by what my students did with this assignment. I could not believe that they took my idea so far beyond my expectations. I have been using different discussion techniques such as debates, Socratic discussions, newscasts, and inner-outer circles. All of these work pretty well but they rarely live up to my expectations. So what might work better?

Recently I was listening to a NPR radio discussion. It was so smooth. The speakers stayed on topic. They asked all the right questions. The answers were logical and well thought out. The discussion sounded so impromptu, yet I knew it was so choreographed. This got me to thinking, how can I set up student discussions?

My civics classes were studying the 14th Amendment on equality. Many topics fall under the umbrella of equality ranging from abortion to suffrage. This looked like the perfect topic for testing a new discussion technique.

 First I told my students about the NPR discussions and roughly outlined my idea. I even gave them links to three NPR program discussions for their listening pleasure.

Each team, consisting of five to seven members, then chose a discussion topic from my list. I told them to select a moderator who would guide the discussion with questions and a panel of students who would become experts on their piece of the topic. They also opened a team Google doc where they would record their team script.

My final contribution was to tell them to think of this as an oral essay. The moderator would provide the introduction including the hook, thesis, and summary of points. She/he would then direct the discussion to each participant who would provide her/his evidence and commentary. Finally, the moderator would provide the conclusion and open the discussion for questions from the audience.

This is where things got interesting. Many teams did not completely follow my instructions. Instead of being a bad thing, their permutations actually improved the discussions. The first innovation was that, instead of referring back to the moderator after each speaker, some teams had the speakers themselves made the transitions to the next speaker. This improved the flow of the discussion, giving it a more natural feeling. The second was to use different speakers to introduce major transitions. For example, when transitioning from women’s voting rights to felons’ voting rights, a speaker other than the moderator would provide the transition. Finally, instead of having one conclusion, each speaker would conclude by voicing her/his takeaways and opinions about the discussion topic. These three changes all enhanced the discussions.

The audience listened respectfully as each team enthusiastically gave its presentation. The audience showed its enthusiasm with questions and comments when it came time for its part in the Q and A. Team members answered questions and responded to comments with the expert knowledge they had gained while studying for the presentations. Best of all, the discussions needed minimal participation on my part. I could spend most of my time enjoying listening to the discussions taking notes for my assessments.

Shadowing Ellen Bezanson

I highly recommend playing the role of a student at Carondelet. Matter of fact, I’d like to do it again with yet another student to get even more perspective. Here are my takeaways:

  • Stress (or lack thereof): Ellen had an easy schedule that particular day, so I was fooled into believing that school is an easy, enjoyable gig. We had two subs, including one study hall. We ended the day with yoga, where I was able shake off the cobwebs and work on my downward dog and corpse pose. Ellen and other students said they liked to end the day with a relaxing class such as yoga. I was also talking to Annie Raines who was in that class, who was off to then do her cross country and jump in to her 5-AP-homework-evening.
  • Sitting: During 1st period French, I regressed back to my own teenager days — remembering how difficult it is to focus in class when I’m not doing the work. Perhaps students are desensitized to this way of learning and have gotten use to it as a way of life. I did notice throughout the day that there was a variety of activities; lecture, group work, quiz, class discussion. Group work was practiced in almost every class.
  • Why students learn: While we were waiting for Science to begin, I was reflecting on Amanda Jain’s wall graphic showing why math has real-world relevance. I asked a group of four girls in the science class the question: Why does our educational system require students to learn math? The intent of my question was not to challenge the nobility and importance learning math, but to see if students understand the relevancy of what they are learning in school. I was hoping they would say things like: to teach us how to reason, think, learn process, learn logic or how to solve problems, etc. The girls had no idea why they were studying math since they had no interest in pursuing any math-related career. They contrasted this with the relevancy of English classes where they have the opportunity to create and share their own ideas about humanistic topics. To be even-handed about this, students should understand the relevance of all the subjects learned in school…my opinion.
  • Boys: Also in French class, I heard that Ellen and her two study partners had a clarification question but were too unwilling to raise their hand and ask. I decided myself to be bold, and tell the teacher the girls had a question. The girls then had no problem asking the question. I also noticed that the boys and girls all segregated themselves into gender-specific groups with the exception of one girl. Later in the week, I asked Anne Bossert about this phenomenon and she said the boys did have a quieting influence on the girls in this class. I find that true in most of my classes as well. Are the presence of the boys a negative influence on the girls? If so, how can our female students learn to be more self expressive when boys are present? How can we as teachers enable them to tap into their own self confidence, boys or no boys?

I Can and I Will — Why Carondelet Needs to Lead the Way

As we grapple with this big Wicked problem that is education, sometimes may wonder why WE have to lead the way…

Kevin shared this three-minute video today which I believe summarizes why Carondelet, as a girl’s school, needs to lead the way.

I also like the shiny gadgets and use of virtual reality (there are resources out there to create virtual reality or use virtual reality resources that we could use right away in all sorts of subjects.

Group Research: Making It Work

Group Research: Making It Work

Out of control?

Should the states or the federal government control
marijuana? Federalism and the Constitution’s supremacy clause been a cause of conflict from the signing of the Constitution to the present. Taken in
historical context, this question about which level of government should control marijuana is huge.
How can we expect one student to complete enough research to create a
thoughtful and fact based solution to this problem?

The solution is to work in teams using shared Google Docs.
In my Civics classes I had each team of approximately six students open a
shared Google Doc. Each team member was required to find at least three facts
from at least three sources. No sources could be duplicates. Among teammates different
sources could be used to support the same facts. Each fact was accompanied by a
paragraph explaining the relevance of the fact. The team then organized the
facts and rationale as the foundation for a Socratic discussion with the other
The final phase was the Socratic discussion. The desks for
each team are arranged in a horseshoe shape, with a desk in the middle of each
horseshoe facing the center of the classroom. Only students in the middle desks
are allowed to talk. Students must rotate into the middle desk at timed
Assessment was made on three levels. I first looked at each
team member’s research and assigned a score based on the quality of the sources
and the relevance of the comments. Then I looked at the overall team research
and assigned a score based on the overall relevance and continuity of the
research. Finally, I graded each student for his/her participation in the class

This method gives each student an opportunity to provide
relevant high-quality research without being overwhelmed. It allows students to
discuss the problem and possible solutions. It allows students to discuss
multiple solutions during the Socratic discussion. The key to success is
maintaining individual accountability while still benefiting from group ideas
and feedback.

Engaging Parents

Don’t we all want our students’ parents to be our best advocates? Don’t we want to be the first ones to know about their concerns? These are easy goals to accomplish if we take just a few minutes to sent occasional email to our the parents telling them about what is going on in class. I started doing this a couple of years ago and I cannot describe how much goodwill it has created.

A couple of weeks into school I send out an introductory letter with this opening:

I will be sending you emails every couple of weeks to help stimulate dinnertime conversation. I hope you will take the conversation beyond, “How was school?” “Good. Will you please pass the potatoes?’ Parents have experienced much more than their children. I hope that, by sharing your experiences and discussing ideas, your children will be able to more fully benefit from your wisdom.
The response is always very positive. At Back to School Night the emails are often mentioned. If I have a problem with or a comment about a student, with this foundation in place, parents are much more accepting and supportive. For me the rewards of spending these extra few minutes every couple of weeks far outweighs the time spent. This is a complete win-win exercise.
This year it has gotten even easier with the new parent email list generator. Open PowerSchool Pro, click on the “Class” icon in the upper left hand corner. Follow the instructions for two more clicks and you have the most up to date parent email list for each class. Copy and paste it into the BCC (blind carbon copy) of your email and send it out.
I would be glad to help with a first run through with anyone who is interested. Happy parents are easy parents!

Wealth of Nations Gallery Walk

The objective of this activity is for students to understand several of Smith’s concepts, each defining the basis of a free market economy. Four “stations” were set up; one in each corner of the classroom which had an 11×17″ poster with a different excerpt from Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations set in 48 point text.

I placed my economics students into teams of 4 students. Each team would visit all 4 stations and work together to summarize the key point of the excerpt into one or two sentences. Teams typed in their summaries into Google Docs which I reviewed with the entire class and chose the most accurate summaries. Smith’s language is difficult to interpret, and the team approach made it more accessible for the students. They liked the process of reviewing each other’s summary and finding out which team had the most accurate interpretation. You can do this procedure with any DBQ or set of primary sources.

North Korea Conflict Discussion assignment

This assignment worked well at the beginning of my U.S. History class this year.

North Korea Nuclear Missile Crisis

Each team will make slides that answers your teams questions. After the team completes the slides, your team will give a brief presentation using the slides to inform the class about your topic. Each group should cover each question with the answers clearly so the class understands the topic you are presenting. (Remember to bring your textbook, IPAD
Team 1 –North Korea
1.  Where is North Korea? (Show location-a map)
2. Who is the leader of North Korea? (Include a picture of the leader.)
3. What is North Korea’s relationship with the United States and her allies? Explain.
4. Why did Kim Jong Un vow to retaliate “thousands of times” against Washington for new U.N. sanctions and North Korea was “examining” a strike on American forces on the Pacific Island of Guam?
5. Why is North Korea building ICBM’s and developing nuclear capacity? Who is their target? Explain.
Team 2-South Korea

1. Where is South Korea? (Show location-a map)
2. Who is the leader of South Korea? (Include a picture of the leader.)
3. What is South Korea’s relationship with the United States? Explain.
4. What is the DMZ? Discuss the importance of United Nations troops that are stationed there.
5. How are South Korea and United Nation troops responding to North Korea’s threats?

Team 3-United States

1. Where are the United States and Guam located in relationship to North Korea? (Show locations-a map)
2. How are the United States and the United Nations responding to North Korea ICBM tests? Explain what an ICBM missile is and why it is so important strategically.
3. What is the United States policy regarding North Korea becoming a nuclear power? Explain.
4. How did President Trump respond to the vow of North Korea to retaliate “thousands of times” against Washington for new U.N. sanctions and North Korea was “examining” a strike on American forces on the Pacific Island of Guam?
5. What are the United Nations sanctions against North Korea and what does the U.N. want North Korea to do? (Include the work of Nikki Haley to provide a unified United Nations front against North Korea so they stop their testing program.)

Team 4-Guam

1. Where is Guam located? (Show location-a map)
2. Who is the leader of Guam and who controls this area? (Show a picture of the leader.)
3. What is Guam’s relationship to the United States? Explain.
4. How is Guam reacting to North Korea’s threat? Explain.
5. What does 14 minutes mean to people living on the island of Guam?

Team 5-Japan

1. Where is Japan located? (Show location-a map)
2. Who is the leader of Japan? (Show a picture of the leader)
3. What is Japan’s relationship to the United States? Explain.
4. How is Japan reacting to North Korea threats to the region? Explain.
5. What is Japan doing to prepare for the possible ICBM threat?

Team 6-China

1. Where is China located? (Show location-a map)
2. Who is the leader of China? (Show a picture of the leader)
3. What is China’s relationship with North Korea? Explain.
4. What is China’s relationship with the United States? Explain.
5. How is China reacting to North Korea threats to the region? Explain.
6. Why is China so important diplomatically in this current crisis in the Pacific? (Explain)

Quiz Questions:

1.  Completely discuss the question-Should North Korea be allowed to have nuclear weapons? (support your answer with examples and evidence)

2.  Completely discuss the question-North Korea is examining a strike on American forces on the Pacific Island of Guam, how should the United States respond to that threat? (support your answer with examples and evidence)

3.  Completely discuss the question-The United Nations have unanimously sanctioned North Korea, what else should the United Nations do to contain North Korea? (support your examples and evidence.)

What Is Your Worldview?

I have been looking for ways to make social studies more real and meaningful for our students and believe I have come up with one key idea. Whatever the subject, we are all teaching facts and values. Presumably we present facts as objectively as possible. Students then filter these facts through their belief systems. Worst-case scenario is when students believe the course has no relevance to their lives and is not worth learning. Best-case scenario is when students evaluate the subject matter and use it to question and expand their beliefs in light of facts and values presented in the class. How do we move from the worst-case scenario to the best-case scenario?
Engagement begins with awareness. Students must be aware that they all have their own unique beliefs about facts and about values. In other words, each student must be aware of his/her unique worldview. Likewise, each teacher and textbook has a unique worldview that must be understood by the students.  By discussing personal worldviews and how these relate to the subject matter, the subject matter becomes personalized instead of remaining generic and boring.
For example, an old male Caucasian teacher has a much different worldview than a current high school student. He cannot even fully understand what it is like growing up in today’s world. He will only begin to understand if he engage students in discussions about their worldviews. Furthermore, every student has a different worldview based on gender, ethnicity, family background, and life experience.  Sharing these differences with each other should be an engaging and edifying experience for everyone. In order to fully appreciate the subject matter students must become aware of their unique worldviews and how these worldviews can enrich their learning experience. This should be an ongoing discussion throughout the course.
The idea of worldviews really came to life when my wife and I were recently riding home on BART from SFO late at night. The train stopped at the Embarcadero station for half an hour because someone was holding a door open.  There were also some very strange acting people in our BART car. About 20 minutes into the delay two BART police officers walked through our car. My wife and I were comforted by their presence. A black woman sitting next to us said, “Why are they here? They cause nothing but trouble.” This and other things she said made me realize she and I have totally different worldviews developed through totally different life experiences.
I have been looking for academic discussions and lessons on worldviews and how these can be incorporated into the learning environment. There appears to be very little out there. I finally found some lessons related to civics, but easily adaptable to any social studies subject, in the Annenberg Classroom website. The specific site is This is part of a larger group of lessons about analytical thinking, There is much great material here that encourages students to reflect on their worldviews and to question their foundational beliefs.
I do believe it will be of great benefit to our students to bring the subject of worldviews into our curriculum. Not only will it personalize the learning experience, it will also bring students to the understanding that each person’s learning experience is different and is, in the end, a path to understanding others and us.
Whatever comments you might have will be appreciated. And I hope we can discuss this more during the school year.