Engaging Parents

Don’t we all want our students’ parents to be our best advocates? Don’t we want to be the first ones to know about their concerns? These are easy goals to accomplish if we take just a few minutes to sent occasional email to our the parents telling them about what is going on in class. I started doing this a couple of years ago and I cannot describe how much goodwill it has created.

A couple of weeks into school I send out an introductory letter with this opening:

I will be sending you emails every couple of weeks to help stimulate dinnertime conversation. I hope you will take the conversation beyond, “How was school?” “Good. Will you please pass the potatoes?’ Parents have experienced much more than their children. I hope that, by sharing your experiences and discussing ideas, your children will be able to more fully benefit from your wisdom.
The response is always very positive. At Back to School Night the emails are often mentioned. If I have a problem with or a comment about a student, with this foundation in place, parents are much more accepting and supportive. For me the rewards of spending these extra few minutes every couple of weeks far outweighs the time spent. This is a complete win-win exercise.
This year it has gotten even easier with the new parent email list generator. Open PowerSchool Pro, click on the “Class” icon in the upper left hand corner. Follow the instructions for two more clicks and you have the most up to date parent email list for each class. Copy and paste it into the BCC (blind carbon copy) of your email and send it out.
I would be glad to help with a first run through with anyone who is interested. Happy parents are easy parents!