
Inspiring the next generation.

Welcome to CampusPress Flex

Our New WordPress Theme

CampusPress Flex has been developed by the CampusPress team as an accessibility-ready theme with 100’s of layouts and customizations ideal for all sorts of sites including schools, departments, districts, organizations, magazines, and more using the block editor

It includes several options for menus and navigation– including the ‘mega menus’ as well as built-in Google Translate integration and CoBlocks integration

The CampusPress Flex user guide shows how to create an elaborate website together with the latest WordPress block editor https://docs.campuspress.com/en/articles/753-campuspress-flex-theme-guide.


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Ut non lacus lacus. Proin iaculis est leo, imperdiet blandit enim semper sodales.


Another Attempt at Using AI in the Classroom
 I am always faced with a difficult challenge at the end of …
Exploring Three Types of Online Communication
In this post I will be exploring the benefits and disadvantages of …
Another Attempt at Using AI in the Classroom
 I am always faced with a difficult challenge at the end of …
Exploring Three Types of Online Communication
In this post I will be exploring the benefits and disadvantages of …

CampusPress Flex, an amazingly flexible theme!

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